Monday, March 30, 2009

NBC picks up recessionista style

NBC has picked up my article on stylist Erin Creaney's Recessionista Fashion sensibility, published in Latino lifestyle magazine Cafe this March. As noted by Marcus Riley:

These days, the goal seems to be finding a way to stay fashionable without breaking the bank.

But Creaney doesn't suggest hitting the H&Ms or Forever 21s of the world and picking up disposable clothing. She says the key is to shop smarter, and a good way to start is by seeking out local designers who make quality items with unique takes on classic looks.

An example is designer Orlando Espinoza, who has a showroom in Pilsen. Espinoza says the key is finding pieces that can make the transition from day to evening by adding some different accessories.

At the end of the day, it's all about quality over quantity.

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